Moore was inspired by Stonehenge and the shoulders of a man, but sometimes the Arch appears to be marching across the plaza.
In the early 1970’s the Henry Moore sculpture Large Arch was installed in front of the Bartholomew Co. Public Library.
At the time, I fancied myself a poet. I sat on the steps of the library one day and just watched the public as they came to see and experience the new addition to the Columbus art scene.
This past Sunday I went down to visit the Arch and sit in the sun and as I did so, I remembered the poem. When I got home, I dug it out and read it and decided it wasn’t too bad…thought I’d share it and some photos I took.
the Arch

Massive at all angles.
Sun warm stronglydown on me and on
the Arch as we(he and I—theArchandi)
watch the People(little ant beings)
pausing to lOOK at him
But taking most of them no time to see
because time it takes to see and any
time taken they resent. Somemostly

Sl o wl y t o touch the surprising warm green of him
children t o u c h him—reaching o u t
Sl o wl y t o touch the surprising
warm green of him
and those who t o u c h him seehim.
But so many neverdoneversee
By nevertouching neverknow
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